Increase the Life and Efficiency of Your Automatic Pretreatment Spraying Machine.
Stop expensive problems before they ever start.
Just before shutting down pre-treatment machine, empty the machine of any pretreatment.
Load PCS and keep filled until the next time pretreatment is needed.
When ready to use the pre-treatment machine again, remove Pretreatment Cleaning Solution and load pretreatment.
Maintain sprayer tips for optimal spray.
Fix problem nozzles instead of throwing them away.
Simply add the following routine to your maintenance:
After running machine maintenance, remove the sprayer tip.
Completely submerge the tips in the Pretreatment Cleaning Solution.
Allow to soak until the next use.
Spot clean your shop.
Finally, to get rid of sticky pretreat residue and buildup, with a towel, apply PCS directly to any spills, misting, or dried
pretreatment on the pretreatment machine parts.
Break up clogged tips with PCS and a toothbrush.
Use a spray bottle to directly target areas on the pretreatment machine parts.
Size: 1 gallon